Your ski rental shop in Canillo - Envalira Sports
Our advantages
Everything you need for adventure!
Located right next to the slopes, we sell and rent equipment for your preferred mountain sports: skiing, snowboarding, cross-country, snowshoes, trekking, trail running, and more. You will always find the perfect gear to experience nature to the fullest!
Repair workshop all year round
We have a specialized workshop for ski and bike repairs, open all year. With qualified staff and high-end machinery, we guarantee reliable service to keep your gear in top condition at all times.
Quality and service tailored to you
With a prime location, we offer high-quality products for all budgets and personalized service, with no queues or waiting. Come whenever you like, from 8:00 to 20:00, and enjoy expert and friendly attention.
Photos of the store
Where to find us?
Any doubts? Let us know!
Contact Envalira Sports
Adress: C. General 2, nº117, bajos, AD100 – Bordes d’Envalira
Phone number: +376 724403